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A Just Australia 2002-2009 archival site. Please see our new website at
Please note that the views on this archival site do not necessarily reflect the views of the Refugee Council of Australia
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A Just Australia merges with Refugee Council of Australia

At our annual general meeting in December 2009, A Just Australia members voted to approve the board's proposal that our organisation be merged into the Refugee Council of Australia, with RCOA assuming management of the A Just Australia campaign and association.

Our members agreed that not only will the AJA campaign be best preserved under the direction of the Refugee Council, but it will in fact have a greater ongoing impact with the resources, staff and policy expertise that RCOA is able to provide. Equally, the work of the Refugee Council will now be strengthened by the active political advocacy, community education and financial support of existing AJA members and by the campaigning experience of the AJA staff.

A Just Australia has retained its public awareness role, becoming the advocacy arm of the Council. AJA will continue to inform the public and counter negative sentiment on issues such as boat arrivals and detention and to provide ideas and resources for grassroots activities to encourage positive policy reform. However, AJA will now also be better resourced to run more proactive campaigns on long-term refugee issues.

The interim management board for A Just Australia is comprised of 4 members of the RCOA board: John Gibson, Esta Paschalidis-Chilas, Maureen Adamson and Sky de Jersey.

Past board members and positions held
Ian Anderson - chair, treasurer
Dianne Hiles - secretary and chair
Phil Glendenning - deputy chair, secretary
John Ball - deputy chair
Phillip Adams - board member
Sean Cleary -secretary
Mary Stuart - board member
Marc Purcell - board member
Sarina Greco - chair, deputy chair
Mark Madden - chair
Josh Bornstein - board member
Sharan Burrow - board member
John Wishart - board member
John Gibson - board member
Bill Kelty - board member
Andrew Mclead - board member
Eva Sallis - board member
Judyth Watson - board member

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